segunda-feira, 29 de março de 2010
UPDATE: Most of Sonic 4 Soundtrack Leaked, Ripped
More Tracks Streaming, But You Can Download Them, Too

Another big hole in Sega’s planned release schedule for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I has been, pardon the pun, ripped open.

This evening, a Sonic Retro forumer going by the name of Infinity released via SoundCloud sixteen tracks from the game, including more of Splash Hill, Lost Labyrinth, Casino Street, Mad Gear, the Special Stage, and the Boss Themes. (UPDATE: And as of this morning, two more have been added–the ending theme, and the final stage.)

No direct authentication efforts have been made, but TSSZ News has learned Sega forum administrators are quickly deleting any mention of the leak from their site–all but affirming its validity.

The original source of the files, be it another ParnerNET leak or something more, has not yet been determined.

Researchers are already quick to point out that the game’s first boss theme bears a striking resemblence to a boss theme from a prototype of Sonic 3D Blast. That theme never made it into the final product.

Streaming is all well and good, but how would you like to download most of the tracks? For that, we have this file (which, after a second round of flooding, is now hosted through Mediafire by the original leakster Infinity, with thanks to AxelTH for telling us about it) which includes all the audio files, tagged and labeled. We thank Sonic Retro forum admin Tweaker for these files (and also another Retro forumer Trunks who made the rip originally), and we also thank Adamis Fox for being one of a few to send the news tip in. If you have news to share, be sure to share it with us by clicking News Tips at the top of every page.

Please keep in mind that this ZIP and the files within may be subject to our recently established sensitivity guidelines.

The story will likely not stop with this leak, and we’ll have to see how Sega formally responds on Monday. Be assured, this was not part of the release plan for this game. There will likely be more on this matter soon–be here for developments.
PS:Minha Internet Esta Tendo Alguns Problemas :-(
PS:My internet is having some problems :-(
Source:TSSZ News

Enviado por Hick ás 18:02 6 comentarios


sábado, 27 de março de 2010
GameStop Offering Deep Discounts on Some Sonic Fare

Sonic Unleashed, M&S Winter Olympics Affected
If you were left feeling a little jealous at the Playstation Network specific Sonic sale exclusive to Europe and Australia this week, one of the largest game retailers there is, GameStop, is here to satisfy your needs for cheap games.
From now until April 25th, the chain will hold its Game Days sale, offering numerous titles at a discount across all platforms.
Among the sale items are all but the PS2 edition ofSonic Unleashed, going for just  $14.99.  Fresh off the actual games in Vancouver, the Nintendo Wii and DS editions of Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games are getting a price cut, to $24.99 on DS and $29.99 for the Wii.  Also on the Wii, Sonic and the Black Knight’s price has been cut to $19.99.
Also noteworthy are the price cuts for Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection, with both XBOX360 and PS3 copies slashed to $14.99.
The sale only applies to new titles.

Se você foi deixado o sentimento de um pouco ciumento na venda Sonic específica da rede de Playstation exclusiva a Europa e a Austrália esta semana, um dos varejistas os maiores do jogo lá é, GameStop, está aqui satisfazer suas necessidades para jogos baratos.
A partir de agora até abril 2ö, a corrente prenderá sua venda dos dias do jogo, oferecendo títulos numerosos em um disconto através de todas as plataformas.
Entre a venda os artigos são todos mas a edição PS2 do desencadeado Sonic, indo para apenas $14.99.  Fresco fora dos jogos reais em Vancôver, em Nintendo Wii e em edições do DS de Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games estão começo uma redução de preços, a $24.99 no DS e a $29.99 para o Wii.  Igualmente no Wii, Sonic and the Black Knight’s foi a $19.99.
Igualmente notáveis sido as reduções de preços para a Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection, com as cópias XBOX 360 e o PS3 reduzidas a $14.99.
A venda aplica-se somente aos títulos novos.
See Ya!

Enviado por Hick ás 14:18 0 comentarios


Bentley Jones atacado por hackers?
Olá pessoal! Tudo bem?

As coisas estão piorando para Bentley Jones e sua companhia de música Remix Factory Music.

É possível a existencia de uma "batalha" legal que se prepara entre ele e a Sega, Jones-nome verdadeiro Lee Brotherton- aconselhou os fãs a visitarem seu site para procurar impostores. Alguns "engraçadinhos" estão se passando por representantes da Remix Factory Music ou pelo próprio Jones.

O aconselhador pode ter sido incitado por uma ou mais pessoas mandando e-mails fraudulentos para os participantes do concurso So Much More, posando como representante, reivindica o premio. Apoiando esta reivindicação, Jones avisou no seu Twitter como os vencedores foram escolhidos.

"Os ganhadores da competição foram contatados e notificados sobre a demora da entrega do prêmio devido o estado da segurança atual" escreveu Jones.

O aconselhador liberou uma revisão abaixo. Se você participou na recente competição de Jones, confira esse conselho:

Estamos com problemas de segurança relativo ao Bentley Jones e site da Remix Factory Music.
Se você foi contato de qualquer forma (mensagens privadas, e-mails, comentários etc..) por uma pessoa que se dizia ser Bentley Jones ou se passando por representantes da Remix Factory Music ou qualquer relacionado, o conteúdo é de uma natureza interessante e suspeita, notifique imediatamente por nosso website oficial.

Nós notificamos que os sites relativos (incluse o Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube) e autoridades locais, ambos estão vigiando a situação. Qualquer comportamento fraudulento, ameaçador ou abusivo serão levados seriemente e podem resultar em contas ofensivas e serão banidas pelos administradores do site, e quebrando a proteção digital ou pessoal, será informado as autoridades locais."

Fonte: TSSZ News


Bentley Jones Hit by Hackers?

“Security Issues” Prompt Public Advisory, Contest Affected

Things just keep getting worse for Bentley Jones and his music company Remix Factory Music.
Eerily quick on the heels of a possible legal battle brewing between him and Sega, Jones–real name Lee Brotherton–has advised fans and website visitors to be on the lookout for impostors.  Said pranksters are claiming to be representatives of Remix Factory or Jones himself, and there may be enough of them that the website issued a public advisory yesterday.
TSSZ News has learned the advisory may have been prompted by one or more people fraudulently E-Mailing participants in Bentley’s recent So Much More contest, posing as a representative, and claiming the recipient won a prize.  Supporting this claim is a Tweet Jones made on his official account yesterday, explaining how winners have already been chosen, with their prizes now on the backburner until the matter is resolved.
“Competition winners have been contacted & notified of prize delivery delay due to current security status,” Jones tweeted.
The advisory released is available for your review below.  If you did participate in Jones’s recent contest, it may be worth heeding the advice given within.
We are currently experiencing security issues relating to Bentley Jones and Remix Factory Music websites and accounts.
If you are contacted in any way (private messages, e-mails, comments etc.) by a person or persons claiming to be Bentley Jones, Remix Factory Music staff or any related party, and the content is of a concerning nature please notify us immediately via our official websites, accounts or legal staff.
We have notified the relative websites (including Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google) and local authorities, both of whom are surveilling the situation along with IMLA. Any fraudulent, threatening or abusive behaviour will be taken very seriously and may result in the offending account(s) being disabled by the site administrators, or, if breaching digital and personal protection rights, will be reported to local authorities.

Enviado por Hick ás 14:02 0 comentarios


sexta-feira, 26 de março de 2010
iPhone Genesis Collection Canned

Shift in Mobile Strategy Cited as Reason
A compilation of classic Sega Genesis titles that was planned for release to the iPhone and iPod Touch appears shelved.  That’s according to a report onPocket Gamer.
We told you in January about the project, dubbedUltimate Genesis Collection.  The heart of the system was a free emulator platform on which titles could be purchased and played. Planned games included another re-release of Sonic the Hedgehog, along with other classic Sega fare, such as Ecco the Dolphin and Shining Force.  Prices for each title were up to $5.99 a pop.
Pocket Gamer’s article states Sega pulled the plug on the project in an effort to tweak its mobile strategy, thought to be a weak point in Sega’s business.  The good news is here is that, depending on company realignment, that could mean more original fare will be promoted on Apple’s devices, instead of re-releases
Desloc na estratégia móvel mencionada como a razão Uma compilação de títulos clássicos da génese de Sega que seja planeada para a liberação ao iPhone e ao toque de iPod parece arquivada. Isso é de acordo com um onPocket Gamer do relatório. Nós dissemo-lo em janeiro sobre o projeto, coleção da génese do dubbedUltimate. O coração do sistema era uma plataforma livre do emulador em que os títulos poderiam ser comprados e jogado. Os jogos de planeamento incluíram o outro re-liberam de Sonic The Hedgehog, junto com a outra tarifa clássica de Sega, tal como Ecco the Dolphin e a Shining Force. Os preços para cada título eram até $5.99 um o PNF. Os estados Sega do artigo de Gamer do bolso puxaram o plugue no projeto em um esforço para tweak sua estratégia móvel, provavelmente um ponto fraco no negócio de Sega. A boa notícia é é aqui que, dependendo do realinhamento da companhia, aquela poderia significar que uma tarifa mais original estará promovida em dispositivos de Apple, em vez de re-libera-se

Enviado por Hick ás 19:21 0 comentarios


Últimas Vendas ASR Estimativas: Até na América, na Europa Desce | Latest ASR Sales Estimates: Up in America, Down in Europe
Quantas Novas Noticias ;-)
Time to Play the Game Numbers
 Unofficial quatro semanas estimativas são de agora em Sonic & Sega Racing All-Stars, cortesia de Devemos destacar estas são apenas estimativas e não na forma descrita na pedra. Se os números pan out, no entanto, há boas notícias do lado americano do Atlântico, como o aumento de vendas em toda a bordo foram relatados. O grande vencedor foi novamente a edição de Wii, segundo as estimativas, com 9.633 cópias vendidas. Essa é uma semana mais de 15 por cento para aumento de semana. Em outra parte, as estimativas mostram um aumento de 3 por cento das vendas no mercado interno ASR edição do XBOX360 para 4.132 unidades, e um aumento de mais de 18 por cento na edição semanal PS3 para 3.904 unidades. A edição do DS registrado estimativas de 4.940 unidades vendidas, e isso é um solavanco quase 25 por cento acima da semana anterior. A notícia não foi tão róseo na Europa, com vendas estimadas mais lento em todas as plataformas, mas as quedas não foram significativas. ASR de vendas para o DS caíram 11 por cento na Europa, para 14.863 unidades. As vendas do Wii caíram 9 por cento, para 17.492 unidades. As quedas foram um pouco mais pronunciada no HD do console edições do ASR, que caiu fora do oficial multiplataforma Britain's top 40 charts lançado pela Chart Track-feira. A edição XBOX360 movido 5.321 na Europa em geral, um declínio de 28 por cento. A edição de 7.738 exemplares PS3 mudou de acordo com estimativas de um declínio de 18 por cento. No conjunto, no entanto, se estes números estão a ser acreditado, os europeus ainda estão comprando ASR mais jogadores nacionais, apesar do declínio regional. Ainda assim, esse cartão selvagem conhecido como "boca a boca" de que muitos dos fãs de The Game têm falou pode finalmente estar ganhando o vapor nos Estados Unidos, e ajudando a ASR. Teremos que ver se os números da próxima semana, continuar a tendência.


Time to Play the Numbers Game
How many new story ;-)
Unofficial week four estimates are now in for Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing, courtesy of  We must stress these are estimates only and in no way set in stone.
Should the numbers pan out, though, there’s good news to report from the American side of the Atlantic, as across the board sales increases were reported. The big winner again was the Wii edition, according to the estimates, with 9,633 copies sold.  That’s a more than 15 percent week-to-week increase.
Elsewhere, estimates show a 3 percent domestic sales increase in ASR’s XBOX360 edition to 4,132 units, and a more than 18 percent weekly increase in the PS3 edition to 3,904 units.  The DS edition logged estimates of 4,940 units sold, and that’s an almost 25 percent bump up from the previous week.
The news wasn’t quite as rosy in Europe, with slower sales estimated across all platforms, but the declines weren’t significant.  ASR sales for the DS dropped 11 percent in Europe to 14,863 units.  Wii sales dropped 9 percent to 17,492 units.
The declines were a bit more pronounced on the HD console editions of ASR, which dropped out of Britain’s official multiplatform top 40 charts released by Chart Track on Monday.  The XBOX360 edition moved 5,321in Europe overall, a 28 percent decline.  The PS3 edition moved 7,738 copies according to estimates–an 18 percent decline.
On the whole, however, if these numbers are to  be believed, Europeans are still buying ASR more than domestic gamers, despite the regional declines.  Still, that wild card known as “word of mouth” that many of the game’s fans have spoke of may finally be gaining steam in America, and helping ASR.  We’ll have to see if next week’s numbers continue the trend.

Enviado por Hick ás 19:00 0 comentarios


IGN’s Sonic 4 Preview: “Quite Dazzling” | Sonic IGN 4 Preview: "Completamente Deslumbrante"
Não há necessidade de moer o machado esse tempo o notoriamente anti-Sonic gigante de mídia conhecido como IGN é bastante animado para Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episódio I. Esta, segundo a previsão hoje publicado pela divisão do Reino Unido Martin Robinson.
"É uma descoberta emocionante perceber que o conceito de Sonic núcleo ainda é tão brilhante como sempre", escreveu Rodrigues.
Ele fica melhor. Toques Robinson sobre a fusão do visual moderno do Sonic e seus truques em sua maioria idosos, dizendo que a combinação não somente no caráter, mas em power-ups, funciona bem:

Sonic si mesmo é também uma explosão do passado. Seu olhar em The Game pode muito bem-tronco a partir da geração de jogos 3D, mas seu moveset remete de volta ao dia anterior. A única adição ao conjunto padrão de correr, saltar spin e spin ataque é o traço homing que Sonic Adventure apresenta e ele foi bem trabalhado em um espaço 2D, fornecendo uma ferramenta valiosa quando se tenta cadeia inimigos no ar, a fim de manter a velocidade. Da mesma forma, poder-ups são da ordem de idade - speed-ups, escudos e uma marca brilhante invencibilidade foram os únicos a que assistimos, e nós não há dúvida de qualquer outro elemento estranho que ficava na espera.
Robinson está dizendo que há algo "verdadeiramente e genuinamente" diferente sobre as expectativas do produto final, referindo-se aos títulos do passado que parecia bom, à primeira vista, mas nunca entregues após a execução.A previsão veio com outro lote de screenshots, e como antes, alguns eram novos, e alguns não eram. Tentamos eliminar o mais novo no grupo, e estão disponíveis na galeria abaixo.


That, and a Couple More Screenshots Inside
No need to grind the ax this time–the notoriously anti-Sonic media behemoth known as IGN is actually quite excited for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I.  This, according to the preview published today by the UK division’s Martin Robinson.
“It’s a thrilling discovery to realise that Sonic’s core concept is still as brilliant as ever,” wrote Robinson.
It gets better.  Robinson touches on the fusion of Sonic’s modern look and his mostly older tricks, saying the combination not only in character, but in power-ups, works well:
Sonic himself is also a blast from the past. His look in the game may well stem from the 3D generation of games, but his moveset harks back to earlier days. The only addition to the standard set of run, jump spin and spin attack is the homing dash that Sonic Adventure introduced and it’s been well worked in to a 2D space, providing an invaluable tool when trying to chain airborne enemies in order to maintain speed. Likewise the power-ups are of the old order – speed-ups, shields and the trademark glittering invincibility were the only ones we witnessed, and we doubt there are any other outlandish additions that lay in wait.
Robinson closes by saying there is something “truly and genuinely” different about the expectations of the final product, referring to past titles that looked good at first glance, but never delivered upon execution.
The preview came with another batch of screenshots, and like before, some were new, and some were not.  We tried to weed out the newest in the bunch, and they are available below in the gallery. See ^^

Enviado por Hick ás 18:56 0 comentarios


Video: ASR Avatar Items

Embora tenhamos a abundância de imagens dos itens Avatar acrescentado para a versão Xbox 360 do Sonic e Sega All-Stars Racing, são apenas imagens estáticas. Dada a grande variedade de animado Avatar "brinquedos", incluída com todas as camisas e chapéus, optei por capturar um pequeno vídeo de todo este material se mover.

Though we have plenty of images of the Avatar items added for the Xbox 360 version of Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing, they are only static pictures. Given the wide array of animated Avatar “toys” included with all the shirts and hats, I have opted to capture a little video of all this stuff moving around.

See Video ^^

Enviado por Hick ás 18:48 0 comentarios


Fim de Final da Doação de Sonic Socorro | Final Weekend to Donate to Sonic Relief
So Far, $ 550 RaisedEste fim de semana é a última a doar dinheiro para a unidade de Sonic Fundo de Socorro de 2010, organizado pela Sonic Stadium. O dinheiro arrecadado será doado para o Sport Relief, que é uma instituição de caridade baseada no Reino Unido dedicada a ajudar os pobres, tanto no Reino Unido e nos países do terceiro mundo.Recentemente, o Sonic concorrência fã Socorro fechado, no qual participantes foram convidados a doar pelo menos £ 1 com a sua entrada seja arte, música ou vídeo-estar na corrida para os prémios. Esta semana, estão em andamento as deliberações sobre os vencedores.A partir do momento da publicação deste artigo, os mais de dois meses movimentação de fundos aumentou o equivalente E.U. de pouco mais de US $ 550-fazer deste ano o Fundo de Socorro Sonic comunidade de maior sucesso da unidade produzida.Doações podem ser feitas até domingo à meia-noite, Greenwich Mean Time.

Final Weekend to Donate to Sonic Relief
So Far, $550 Raised
This weekend is the last to donate money to the Sonic Relief 2010 fund drive, organized by the Sonic Stadium.  The money raised will be donated to Sport Relief, which is a UK based charity dedicated to aiding the impoverished both in the UK and countries of the third world.
Recently, the Sonic Relief fan competition closed, in which entrants were asked to donate at least £1 with their entry–be it artwork, music, or video–to be in the running for prizes.  This week, deliberations are underway on winners.
As of the time of this article’s publication, the more than two month fund drive has raised the US equivalent of just over $550–making this year’s Sonic Relief the most successful community fund drive produced.
Donations are being accepted until midnight Sunday, Greenwich Mean Time.

Enviado por Hick ás 18:43 0 comentarios


quinta-feira, 25 de março de 2010
Customize seu avatar no XBOX 360
Olá pessoal! Quanto tempo! Nem Quase 30 Segundos --'' Mais Tudo Bem Tenho Uma Otima Noticia :-)
Como foi esperado, Sega liberou hoje várias fantasias e acessórios para customizar seu avatar no XBOX 360.

Os fans estavam esperando mais fantasias, mas tem bastante para escolher. Nessa manhã, o Sonic City Blognik postou uma lista completa do que está disponível. Enjoy:

Jaqueta do Ryo Hazuki (160 pts)
"Eu espero que eles façam a jaqueta do Ryo!" e penso que nós podemos administrar isso! A jaqueta de couro é um icone dos jogos. Precaução: Pode fazer seu avatar sentir uma necessidade repentina de caçar marinheiros.

Óculos de Dr. Eggman (80 pts)
"Vilania como este, não existe", use os óculos para se tornar um vilão melhor

Prop: Crabmeat (240 pts)
"Possua seu próprio badnik!" Esse "caranguejo" pode ser chamado ao estalo de seus dedos e está totalmente sobre o seu controle

Prop: Carro do Sonic (240 pts)

Prop: Avião do Tails (240 pts)

Camiseta da Sega (80 pts)
"Você tem esperado por isso e aqui está, a camiseta oficial com o logotipo da SEGA!

Elmo do Billy Hatcher (80 pts)

Óculos do Beat (80 pts)

Sombrero do Samba de Amigo (80 pts)

Camiseta do AiAi (80 pts)

Prop: AiAi Monkey Ball (240 pts)

Capacete da Sega (160 pts)

Capacete do Sonic&Sega ASR (160 pts)

Boné de Sonic&Sega ASR (80 pts)

Camiseta Sonic&Sega ASR (80 pts)

Macacão de corrida Sonic&Sega ASR (160 pts)

Gorro Sonic&Sega ASR (80 pts)

Quanta coisa! Sempre é útil para os consumidores previdentes verem o que realmente está comprando, as roupas tem versões feminino e masculino e os acessórios já estão à venda, confira as imagens (clique para aumentar):

See Ya!
Fonte:TSSZ News

Hello everybody! How long! Not Nearly 30 Seconds -''Over All Well I have a great news :-)As expected, Sega today released a number of costumes and accessories to customize your avatar on the Xbox 360.
The fans were expecting more fantasy, but has enough to choose from. This morning, the Sonic City Blognik posted a complete list of what is available. Enjoy:
Ryo Hazuki's jacket (160 pts)"I hope they make the jacket of Ryo!" and I think we can manage it! A leather jacket is an icon of the games. Caution: You can make your avatar feel a sudden need to hunt sailors.
Goggles Dr. Eggman (80 pts)"Villainy like this, there is no" use the glasses to become a better villain
Prop: Crabmeat (240 pts)"Possess your own badnik!" This "crab" can be called the snap of your fingers and is totally under your control
Prop: Car of the Sonic (240 pts)
Prop: Airplane Tails (240 pts)
Sega T-shirt (80 pts)"You've been waiting for it and here is the official T-shirt with the logo of SEGA!
Elmo Billy Hatcher (80 pts)
Glasses of the Beat (80 pts)
Sombrero Samba de Amigo (80 pts)
Shirt AiAi (80 pts)
Prop: AiAi Monkey Ball (240 pts)
Helmet Sega (160 pts)
Helmet Sonic & Sega ASR (160 pts)
Cap Sonic & Sega ASR (80 pts)
Shirt Sonic & Sega ASR (80 pts)
Overall race Sonic & Sega ASR (160 pts)
Beanie Sonic & Sega ASR (80 pts)
How much! It is always useful to prospective customers to see what is actually buying the clothes have male and female versions and accessories are on sale now, check out the pictures (click to enlarge):

Go Up ^^

Enviado por Hick ás 21:44 0 comentarios


Atualização no site do Sonic 4
Chegou antes da hora, mas o site do Sonic 4 foi atualizado com mais 4 imagens da Splash Hill Zone, dessa vez todas do ato 4 e mais um badnik, completando todos os badniks vistos até agora na Splash Hill Zone.

O badnik da vez é o Buzzer:

Buzzer voa direto da Emerald Hill Zone pronto para detonar o Sonic com o seu canhão de ferrões.

Até agora, apenas 1 contador foi adicionado no site, na seção de badniks e vai expirar daqui a 14 dias.

Fonte: Site do Sonic 4

Update on the website of Sonic 4
He arrived early, but the site 4 was Sonicupdated with 4 more pictures of Hill Splash Zone, thisOnce all 4 of the act and more a badnik, completing allbadniks seen so far in the Hill Splash Zone.
The badnik of time is the Buzzer: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^UP^^^^^^^^^^^^

Buzzer flies direct from Emerald Hill Zone ready to detonate the Sonic with his gun barbs.
So far, only 1 meter was added to the site, the section of badniks and will expire in 14 days.
Source: Site do Sonic 4

Enviado por Hick ás 21:43 0 comentarios


On EBay, Sonic X-Treme Branded Pins

X-Tremely Stylish, and at a Reasonable Price
It’s a pretty light news day, and that gives us the opportunity to see what’s happening on the sales circuit known as EBay.
Today, we found these nice gems–Sonic X-Tremebranded pins from Australia.  The auction lists a set of five, including the logo to the ill-fated titles, and Sonic in various poses.  You’ll also see a skateboarding Sonic, and a hedgehog who has apparently mastered martial arts, donning a black belt and all.
If anything, it shows that at the time, Sega Ozisoft (assuming that’s where these originated) at the time had planned a big promotional push for the Saturn game that never came to pass.
Still, you can own a little piece of Sonic history at a price that’s not obscene.  Interested parties can Buy it Now for the US equivalent of just over 62 dollars.
X-Tremely à moda, e a preço razoável É um dia claro bonito da notícia, e aquele dá-nos a oportunidade de ver o que está acontecendo no circuito das vendas conhecido como EBay. Hoje, nós encontramos este Sonic X-Treme Jóias agradável marcado os pinos de Austrália. O leilão alista um jogo de cinco, incluindo o logotipo aos títulos malogrados, e  Sonic em várias poses. Você igualmente verá um skateboarding Sonic The Hedgehog que domine aparentemente artes marciais, donning uma correia preta e tudo. Se qualquer coisa, ele mostra aquele naquele tempo, Sega Ozisoft (supr isso é onde estes originados) tinha planeado naquele tempo um impulso relativo à promoção grande para o jogo de Saturn que nunca veio passar. Ainda, você pode possuir uma parte pequena de história Sonic a preço que não é obsceno. As partes interessadas podem comprá-lo agora para o equivalente dos E.U. de apenas sobre 62 dólares.
Fique Com Uma Foto Agora :-)

Enviado por Hick ás 14:42 0 comentarios


Mais Algumas imagens do Sonic 4
Two new Sonic 4 Wii screenshots have been added to Nintendo of America’s Sonic 4 product page they opened last month along with an hi-res version of a screenshot seen a while ago in Nintendo Power(the waterfall one). The page also confirms online leaderboards will be in the Wii edition of the game.


• Classic Sonic gameplay with enhanced new features
• All new 2D adventure
• Full HD resolution and wide-screen format
• Special Stages return along with the 7 Chaos Emeralds

How does this game use Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection?

Compete with your friends to see who’s the fastest with
online leaderboards!

Nothing else of note is present on the page right now but we’ll keep you posted if anything new appears. For now you can check out the other 2 screenshots below
Duas novas imagens de Sonic 4 Wii tem sido adicionado à Nintendo of America's Sonic 4 de produto que abriu mês passado, juntamente com um oi-res versão de uma imagem de visita há um tempo atrás na Nintendo Power (a uma cachoeira). A página também confirma ranking online estará na edição de Wii de The Game.
• Clássico jogo Sonic com recursos aprimorados de novo
• Todos nova aventura 2D
• resolução Full HD e ecrã de formato largo
• Special Stages retornar junto com a 7 Chaos Emeralds
Como é que este jogo use Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection?
Competir com seus amigos para ver quem é o mais rápido com ranking online!

Nada mais digno de nota está presente na página agora, mas vamos mantê-lo, se nada de novo aparece. Pois agora você pode conferir os outros 2 screenshots PS:Veja La Em Cima ^^ --

Fonte: Nintendo of America

Enviado por Hick ás 14:29 0 comentarios


quarta-feira, 24 de março de 2010
Avatares do ASR e Superstars Tenis no Xbox ||| Avatars ASR and Superstars Tennis on Xbox
Segundo blog do Xbox Major Nelson, no dia 25 de Março um DLC será liberado para os avatares do XBox 360, contendo coisas como camisetas, uniformes e outros equipamentos.

Quanto equipamento estará disponível não foi revelado, bem como o preço.

Segundo o mesmo blog, não há previsões de DLCs para essa semana nem mesmo para os usuários do PS3.

Parece que a Sumo Digital e a SEGA estão trabalhando com algo gradativo para uma hora vir com uma grande surpresa.

Fonte: TSSZ News


Em outra news, temos a o SEGA Superstars Tennis sendo lançado no serviço do Xbox Games On Demand, para comemorar o 1 mês de lançamento do All-Star Racing.

O jogo custa £19.99 no Reino Unido e $19.99 nos Estados Unidos, e pesa 3 GB, o que não é tão grande comparado com os outros jogos do XBox 360. Se você quiser dar uma checada antes de comprar o jogo, você pode baixar o demo grátis. Vamos torcer para que esse relançamento tenha o modo multiplayer on-line de novo.

Fonte The Sonic Stadium


According to blog of Xbox Major Nelson, on 25 March a
DLC will be released for the Xbox 360 avatars of the containing
things like T-shirts, uniforms and other equipment.

The equipment available was not revealed
and the price.

According to the same blog, there are forecasts for the DLCs
weeks or even for users of the PS3.

It seems that the Sumo Digital and Sega are working with
gradual something for an hour to come with a big surprise.

Source: TSSZ News


In other news, we have to be SEGA Superstars Tennis
service launched Xbox Games On Demand for
celebrate the 1 month to launch the All-Star Racing.

The game costs £ 19.99 in the UK and $ 19.99 in the
United States, and weighs 3 GB, which is not so large compared
other games XBox 360. If you want to give a
checked before buying the game, you can download the demo
free. Let's hope that this revival has the
multiplayer online again.

Source The Sonic Stadium

Enviado por Hick ás 00:40 0 comentarios


terça-feira, 23 de março de 2010
Dez imagens em boa resolução do Sonic 4

Se você está cansado de forçar a vista para conseguir enxergar alguma coisa nas últimas imagens reveladas este mês da Splash Hill Zone do Sonic 4: Episódio 1, nós temos a solução.

O site Games Radar disponibilizou as imagens em alta resolução como complemento à preview da NGamer, algumas são novas, mas a maioria já é conhecida.

Como sempre, clique nas imagens para ampliar:

If you're tired of squinting to getsee something in the latest images revealed thatmonths of Splash Hill Zone Sonic 4: Episode 1, we havesolution.
The site Games Radar images available in highresolution in addition to the preview of NGamer, someare new, but most is already known.

As always, click on images to enlarge:

Fonte: TSSZ News

Enviado por Hick ás 17:15 0 comentarios


Enviado por Hick ás 14:53 0 comentarios


Preview of Sonic 4 in the OXM and GamesMaster
Two today new previews of Sonic 4 had been launched in the United kingdom, of Official XBOX Magazine and the GamesMaster.

In relation to the new features, it very does not have in these previews.

The XBOX Magazine says that musics of the game will follow the project of the 3 Sonic & Knuckles, where each act of one same zone will have one remix of the main music of the zone and also it contains new images of the game, that the TSSZ News still is trying to obtain.

Already the GamesMaster says everything what already it is known and did not only place an image at least of the game.

They are on that as soon as scans of the OXM to sairem will be disponibilizando them here in the Sonic Best.

Source: TSSZ News
First DLC of the ASR and new features of Sonic 4
Already it left the first DLC the All-Star Racing and although the rumors that if heard, it finished not being nothing waited it, and until a little disappointing for some.

For the time being the DLC is exclusive of XBox 360:

It unlocks all the personages and tracks
The competition runs all and all speeds up for the victory with the cast of the ASR and hilariantes tracks. It unblocks all the personages and tracks of the game with this exclusive download. To never earn was so candy! 

Cost 400 Microsoft Points (5 dollars). In comparison with the Sonic Unleashed, where the 250 DLC cost Microsoft Points (3,12 dollars), and it contained 5 new phases of the existing places already in the game. The rumor of the price of Sonic 4: Episode 1, is that he is 400 Microsoft Points.

Not yet nothing exists speaking on this DLC to go for the PS3, but as the updates of the PSN happen to Fifth, are probable that it appears for there.

The employee of the community of the SEGA of America, RubyEclipse, postou a new topic in fórum of the SEGA informing the community that the SEGA is ready to disclose to new information on the Sonic the Hedgehog 4, but they want that the fans if involve again. The SEGA made one enquete with 2 topics to choose between the Attack Homing or musics and sonorous effect of the game:

Olá to all,

In a next future, us we will have the possibility of speaking with vocês on Sonic 4, including a deepened quarrel on the parts most interesting of the game.

Then, we would like that vocês they said in them of which vocês part they are more curious and they want to hear more information. Perhaps they have more enquetes of this type in the future, but for the time being, we will leave vocês to choose between having more details on as the Attack Homing functions in the game, or on Musics/Sonorous Effect of the game.

They today make its votes between and this Sixth. Acimas does not exist option “all” for the time being, but we would like to know which interests more.

Debtor to all! 

If you are interested in voting, you go to need a SEGA pass.

The Sonic Stadium - Sonic 4

Enviado por Hick ás 14:52 0 comentarios


Rumor: possible image of the Lost Labyrinth of Sonic 4
Ok, the image is well weak, but perhaps either another Sonic emptying 4. Of this time it is a possible image of the Lost Labyrinth Zone.

The text is not so important to the principle, but yes what it is above and below it. Fans are saying that they would be parts of the Lost Labyrinth. It can not be great thing, but pra who is tired to only see images of the Splash Hill…

Most interesting it is that pparently the Sonic is not in the image.

For some, reference “RT” and “LT”, would be of the control of Xbox 360, but taking in account the dimensions of the image, some are asked if this could not be of the part of touch of iPhone/iPod.

Of any form we can wait an act if passing on of a stand of mine (Choral It digs), controlled of simple form it saw control or touch.

This act is played inclining the screen while the Sonic walks in a stand of mine. It pressures RT or LT to change the angle and to speed up or to brecar the Sonic, but well-taken care of not to very make the angle to be great”

Enviado por Hick ás 14:51 0 comentarios


Possible future game of the Sonic in the Heroes style
In an interview made for the site Computer and Games Video, the head of the SEGA of the West Mike Hayes says that Mario & Sonic are part of the future strategy of the company and the tips that a possible game in the style Sonic Heroes can come to be made

In this first part of the interview, Hayes explains that the SEGA sees the Sonic of 4 forms: M&S, normal Sonic, style All-Star Racing and in the Heroes format. All they are areas that it says to want to follow future, each one vizando a different public:

“The thing that you need to understand on the Sonic is that different parts of the Sonic family exist. Is as soon as is making all the strategy. Of a side you have the Mario surmounting & Sonic and in the other you have the Sonic the Hedgehog. Then you have the All-Star Racing, that is practically everybody. Finally you have something that if she does not see for a good time, that is as the Sonic Heroes, a game with some jogabilidades.

These are the 4 areas that we want to develop. Interestingly, each one of them will have a different white public. With the Sonic mark the Hedgehog, we have some people who are fans of the legacy. E is from there that the new game comes: You would not like to play a game in the old style of the Genesis or Megadrive, but in quality HD? This does not mean that we do not bind All-Star Racing pro or that the Sonic will not take other directions in the future. 

Hayes still complements that they are not wanting to saturate the ouriço and that still they need to trace the way carefully that will follow. It also included Mario & Sonic in the list what he means that the compania can have bigger plans for the pair, beyond the olimpíadas ones.

Hayes also said a little of the reason of Sonic 4 to be a heading saw download:

She is half that one mixture of reasons. Good part is for the part of the digital entertenimento as a whole. We, as well as everybody, are learning as to deliver the entertenimento in a future for the consumers. This was a relatively cheap part of the Sonic. We want to see as the game is received way dowload.

For something as Sonic 4, the consumer will be something centered. They play many games of multiplayer, lower some games in XBLA and PSN. We find that of this form, if we will be honest, we will make sensible.

Another part notable of the interview includes commitments of the Hayes in reinvesting in the main surmountings and that it has announcements to be done in the E3 of this year, but it did not say nothing of what it can yourself be waited, in this part of the interview. This interview has two parts and second the CVG will be disclosed when to publish part 2.

Source: TSSZ News

Enviado por Hick ás 14:48 0 comentarios


XBOX Live Addicts create official league of the ASR
If you have a Xbox 360, possess the All-Star Racing, tan the game, if she feels a little pro, she likes competitions and she likes to gain prizes, then she uses to advantage this chance that site XBOX Live Addicts is creating an official league next to the SEGA of the Europe. This wants to say that you can gain a prize official of the SEGA.

The league will be open per 6 weeks and the 2 weeks of registrations already had started, then if you will be interested you are enough to enrollin this link. To participate you need to be member of the league and of the site, to increver itself in the site she uses this link.

Source: The Sonic Stadium

Enviado por Hick ás 14:48 0 comentarios


You speak of the speaker of the ASR disclose tracks in the one against hand
For that they had not given much attention in the audio ones of the ASR that walks circulating this must have unoticed past, but had been found some you speak that they are clearly if relating to the way reverse of the tracks, thing that so far does not exist in the final version of the game. This was courtesy of the member nineko of fórum Sonic Backward and you can lower the archive with you say in this link to them.

The 8 tracks that are related in the audio ones as possessing a way reverse: Rampart Road, Sewer Scrapes, Rocky Coaster, Shibuya Downtown, Turbine Loop, Roulette Road, Ocean Ruin and Monkey Target.

The question now is: were they planned to be in the final version of the game or this is only one foundation for a future DLC? Or both?

If the tracks in question had been planned having a way reverse in mind, needing only some adjustments for this, we can have the key of a future DLC in our hands. This with verteza would liven up fans that they prefer to unlock everything in the game to use the DLC more recent than all unlocks the content of the game in the hour.

It seems that the DLCs is starting to appear, but rumors say that this can not be the next one to the list.

Source TSSZ News

Enviado por Hick ás 14:47 0 comentarios


Magazine of Nintendo lists new game of the Sonic
For the Autumn…

In the last edition of the Spanish magazine Nintendo Accion, the writer Juan Carlos Garci'a said the following one in the part of top 10 of the month:

Sonic will have a new game in this Autumn… but I did not say nothing.

He could be on Sonic 4: Episode 1, but we already know of the existence of it and it will leave in the Summer, then would be this an indicative of a new Spin-Off of the ouriço or Episode 2?

Of any form, it is with scan of the magazine, and as always click in the image to extend:

Source: TSSZ News

Enviado por Hick ás 14:47 0 comentarios


Sonic 4 to Be 3 Episode Affair

Motion Control Also Affirmed for Wii Edition
The British magazine NGamer has published a preview of Sonic 4 in its latest issue, and affirmedSonic 4 will be a three episode series.  This is according to an account published on The Sonic Stadium early this morning.
NGamer says each episode will contain four primary zones, each consisting of three acts, and a boss stage.  All told, that means we should expect twelve main zones.  To compare, Sonic 3 and Knuckles had thirteen main zones, including the one act Hidden Palace and Sky Sanctuary, with Doomsday Zone acting as the fourteenth.
Motion Control has also been affirmed for the Wii edition, specifically in controlling the game’s Special Stage.  Players will tilt the maze and guide Sonic through it using the Wiimote.  Given the speculation surrounding this picture, we suspect a similar mechanism will be placed in the XBOX360 and PS3 released through the use of side buttons.
Those are the new details coming out of NGamer magazine.  There’s more to come as we follow along on the road to Sonic 4: Episode 1’s launch.  Thanks to SoNiC FReaK and glem3 for sending this news tip in.

Enviado por Hick ás 14:41 0 comentarios



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